Cercle pour la Libération du Son et de l'Image

pour la Libération du Son et de l’Image

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Fontenay-sous-Bois, France
Berlin, Germany
Born 1956 in Stuttgart. Two children. Since 1984 research on algorithmic Composition. Since 1986 international concerts with computer controlled soundgeneration. A solo CD “Polyrische Variationen” has been released by Badland Records. Silberner Amadeus at “Musik Kreativ” 1993. Since September 2003 working at CCMIX close to Paris. (http://www.ccmix.com/)
Software used
Max/MSP/Jitter, SoundHack, Peak, ProTools
Algotithmic manipulation of live input and/or prerecorded/synthesized sounds. I love to improvise with other mind opening musicians. Could be anything from ‘heavy mental’ to ‘holy metal’.


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